inkling x mun ’21

Written by The Writers of Inkling In our annual collaboration with the UWCMUN team, we have compiled a short magazine of articles on the different topics that were debated during their conference. We hope that you enjoy reading the variety of articles that our writers have produced.

keystone species

Written by: Anonymous In ecology, a keystone species is defined as a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its natural environment. They define an entire ecosystem – without its keystone species, an ecosystem could be thrown completely off balance. It would be dramatically different, or even cease to exist altogether. These are species…

Outside the Window

Written by: Aditya Nirish Unni This window represents an individual perspective.   A man looked through the window, his size, minuscule in comparison to his surroundings.  Life is a matter of perspectives, everything we see and look at differs depending on how you look at it. The lush greenery around him provides a natural yet industrial…

navigating homes

Submitted by Anonymous Habits. Routines. Constancy.  The things that don’t just pop out of nowhere, developed overnight. It doesn’t catch you off guard like the thunder in the middle of the day – instead, it builds. Like a house. One block at a time, another block on top of it. Days, weeks, months. Faltering is…


Written by: Dhwani Mendiratta This summer vacation, as I went through old photos with my mom, I found these two photographs in particular that triggered a memory hidden deeper in my brain than I thought was possible, which is where the following piece comes from; my forgotten childhood memories.  My debut as a sailor was…

Recollections of a Difficult Past

Written by: Anthony Shen Poring over black and white photographs is a surreal experience. In the mildewed, dusty room of my deceased grandfather’s bedroom, I am transported back to the Chinese New Years I spent in this house. The inscrutable calligraphy covering his wartime letters and the gleaming ensign of the lapel pins lay almost…

A Weary Traveller

Written by: Libby Ye You drag your finger along the indented wall, your nail gobbling up specks of paint like a dehydrated and weary traveller stranded before the journey has begun. You trace the uneven crevices from the fractured wall like a worn-out road on an ancient map, stopping above a chewed-up wad of gum….

Trust Issues

Written by: Nigella Marx  The concept of trust has always been something I couldn’t quite grasp. Like an image in a puddle that changes every time I come close to understanding. It reminds me of the time when a duvet was pulled over my head, the thick fabric wrapped around my face while darkness enveloped…

A Green Carol!

Written by: Medina Ayasha Nordiawan With Christmas coming around the corner, we’re already getting ready for the frenzy of decorating houses and buying presents. Especially with Black Friday coming up on November 29th. Some might argue that Christmas is the most wonderful day of the year, but it’s also the most wasteful, as 6 million…

Child’s Play

Submitted by: Daniel Ofori The day has come to its end, surely, for the sun has departed The hide and seek begins, All men take refuge one way or the other, They deceive themselves by saying ‘I ought to go home, it’s getting late” Darkness laughs unruly. For deep down all men know the seeker…